Pet Routine Bloodwork

Your pet’s health absolutely depends on blood testing. Blood tests are helpful in identifying your pet’s illness, much like in human medicine.

Pet Routine Bloodwork

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Wellness blood testing is as essential to a pet’s health as their wellness examination. It shows everything going on with the body’s function that the veterinarian cannot see or feel. Blood tests may reveal a variety of information to the veterinarian, such as if your pet is dehydrated or battling an illness. Blood tests are advised in a variety of situations, not just when your pet is ill. They are also suggested annually for healthy pets. Do you know the age of your pet in human years? For every year that they live, your pet lives five to ten years longer. We advise that your beloved pet get a wellness blood screening once a year to keep them happy and healthy. We can even combine their routine Heartworm/Tick test with all wellness screening panels to save you money.